
The Planning Division administers the Unified Development Code (Zoning and Subdivision regulations) and works closely with the Engineering and Building Services Divisions to ensure new development meets the vision outlined in the Envision Corinth 2040: Comprehensive Plan.

The Planning Division handles both current and long-range planning matters, including:

  • Zoning (rezoning, planned development, site plans, specific use permit, zoning verification letters, and variances)
  • Plats related to the subdivision of land (Preliminary Plats, Final Plats, Replats, Conveyance Plats, etc.)
  • Ordinance updates to ensure our regulations meet the quality of life expectations of the community
  • Special projects and plan updates


Long-Range Planning:

Current Planning:

If you are planning to develop in the City, we are excited to meet with you and recommend the following options:

  • General Due Diligence/Questions – If you are making a general inquiry about zoning on a property, permitted uses, etc., our planning staff will be happy to discuss your needs over the phone or meet with you individually to provide relevant materials, offer guidance as to next steps, etc.
  • Pre-Application Conference – Once you have a concept plan specific to a parcel of land, and would like informal feedback from representatives of Planning, Engineering, Building, Public Works, Fire, Police, and Economic Development (as applicable), you are encouraged to request a Pre-Application Conference with the Development Review Committee (DRC).


  • Pre-Application Conference Worksheet, Checklist, and Vested Rights Waiver Form (Note - form must be signed by Owner(s)/Authorized Agent)
  • Concept Plan
  • Project Narrative and any Preliminary Questions for DRC
  • Submissions must be received by Noon on Tuesdays to be scheduled for a Pre-Application Conference held on the following Tuesday with Time Slot 1 starting at 9:30 a.m. and Time Slot 2 10:30 a.m.  Sessions are typically set for 60-minute increments depending on the complexity of the project.  Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. If all time slots are taken, we will offer a slot on the next available Pre-Application Conference date.

Once you are ready to submit a formal application, please visit our Current Planning page for more detailed information as well as viewing our 2025 Development Calendar.